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Is Backup Camera Covered Under Warranty

Is Backup Camera Covered Under WarrantyHaving a Backup Camera is essential, and mandatory according to the federal law of a couple of countries. Canada first introduced it in 2016, followed by the United States in 2018. There are penalties for not having one in your car, nevertheless, backup cameras are not shielded from damages. These abrupt repairs are a strain on finances, so it’s important to have a warranty. Is backup camera covered under warranty?


Manufacturers of backup cameras offer warranties of between 3 months to a year. This warranty covers both maintenance and a replacement. To use your warranty, take your backup camera to the manufacturer. Attempting DIY, however, voids that warranty. Also, don’t take it to a professional for repair. Just contact the manufacturer to explain the problem and discuss your options. One of their service maintenance technicians may be able to guide you through fixing the problem. Though Severe problems will require a physical inspection for proper diagnosis. 

Backup cameras lack adequate protection, therefore may damage at any time. To protect their investment and finances, motorists now choose aftermath cameras with at least a 1-year warranty. How do you choose a good backup camera with a favorable warranty? keep reading to find out.


  • For Safety

 A good warranty on your backup camera ensures that it works optimally all day, year-in-year-out. This helps you to avoid collisions and accidents as you backup your vehicle from your garage, or navigate through tight traffic. Since you won’t be spending a dime on maintenance, it’s easier to quickly schedule maintenance with the manufacturer, as all you may have to do is drive down to their service centre.

  • To Protect Your Finance 

A good warranty saves you money that would have gone into repairs as you wouldn’t be spending a dime on maintenance. If it’s an expensive backup camera, buying an insurance policy might also serve as additional financial protection.

Advanced and multi-functional cameras cost love $700, therefore, it’s only wise to buy an insurance premium to cover the device. If you haven’t insured your car, then now is the time to insure both the car and camera at a cheaper rate.

  • Piece Of Mind

Asides from securing future repairs and maintenance, a good warranty on a backup camera also provides peace of mind. Motorists no longer have to worry whenever there’s slight damage or collision that damages the camera at the rear.


Such extended warranties also enable motorists to buy expensive cameras without worry as they are covered throughout the entire lifespan of the device. Nonetheless, a limited warranty also provides peace of mind for that period. That’s why extended warranties are recommended. 

  • For Professional Maintenance

 While DIYs are faster and probably cheaper, contacting the manufacturer to handle your backup camera problems is better because they assign experienced professionals to rectify the problems, which extends the lifespan of the camera. A DIY on your backup camera will only focus on the initial problem while a comprehensive diagnosis check will uncover looming problems and fix them beforehand.

  • Replacement

 A backup camera warranty covers replacement for a number of severe damages. Before placing your order, always check the condition for replacement stated in your warranty. While having a bulky replacement policy is fine, you should be certain that it covers the basics for you. For example, weather damage and collisions should be covered as these are common.

  • For Durability

Last but least, having an extended warranty on your backup camera guarantees an extended period of use. Most warranties cover free repairs, maintenance, and replacement. As a motorist, you’re covered for anything you want. If it’s not repairable, then the manufacturer will provide another camera, as prescribed in the warranty.


  • Poor Signal

One of the most common problems covered in most insurance plans is ‘poor or no signal’. Both corded and wireless backup cameras experience poor signal due to several reasons, including low-cost materials.

Simply resetting the device usually resolves issues with poor signal in wireless backup cameras, but corded cameras might require further probing. If after resetting the camera, the signal remains poor, then contact the manufacturer for a deeper diagnosis of the device.

The insurance company will run various tests to ascertain the problem and recommend a solution, which might include a replacement, depending on the nuances of the warranty.

  • Installation Problems

Improper installation is one of the leading causes of most backup camera problems. This causes wire damages and blown-out fuses. To avoid such, we recommend going through the manufacturer’s installation guide when mounting the camera and monitor.

If you’re finding it difficult, then contact the manufacturer for after-sales services. Some offer free installation while others may require a small fee. Nevertheless, if after following the installation manual step by step and something still goes wrong, then contact the manufacturer for free repair or replacement, as long as you’re still covered under warranty.

  • Blur 

At some point, you’ll have to deal with a blurry camera. This can be frustrating, especially in tight traffic where you desperately need to navigate your way out.

A simple solution to this problem is cleaning the lens with the recommended cleaning agents and leaving it to dry before using it again.

However, a damaged component inside the device may pose a bigger problem. Also, being so close to the road might cause scratches, which permanently defaces the lens. If this is your case, then contact the manufacturer for a quick fix or replacement.

  • Power Problems

Another common problem covered in the warranty of most backup cameras is the device not powering on when the vehicle is put in reverse. A camera working in good condition sends a signal to the monitor once the gear is shifted into reverse. However, a blown-out fuse may disrupt the transfer of signal. You can resolve this problem yourself by checking the fuse. 


  • Research Different Warranty Plan

If you’re buying from a store, then start by asking the shopkeeper about the warranty plans on the different backup cameras available. If you’re buying online, then simply browse through the product description. You can also go further by searching on the website or online platforms.

Asides from checking for availability, there are a couple of other nuances to examine. Evaluate how the company handles complaints from customers. Do they respond to grievances on time, and what are their options for maintenance and replacement? Check online platforms and forums to learn more about each company’s response time and culture.

  • Choose the Best Backup Camera Warranty 

Now, this is the most important step in getting the best warranty for your backup camera. You need to pay utmost attention to details in this step to get the best out of your warranty.

After you must have discovered favorable backup camera companies, go ahead and request a quote from them. This usually covers the total cost of the product. You can use their price to determine which warranty is better and more cost-efficient.

Research Different Warranty Plan

This also covers the accurate details of what the warranty covers. This is also important for knowing your warranty claims. For example, some warranties only cover certain types of maintenance while a couple covers only half the cost.

We know reading the terms and conditions can be stressful, but we strongly recommend it as they cover the nuances of the warranty.

  • Purchase an Insurance Plan 

You might think it unnecessary, but insurance provides an extra layer of protection. Warranties don’t last forever. Almost, it’ll get to 1 year and after that, you’re on your own. Expensive backup cameras can be a big financial investment, so buy a good insurance plan or add the camera to one of your existing plans.

Conclusively, a warranty is not a license to use your camera without care. Always practice regular maintenance by cleaning it weekly and checking the wires, cables, transmitter, receiver, and monitor.