On average, about 2000 cars were being stolen in the United States every day in 2020, putting the number of stolen cars at over 700,00 in a single year. While these statistics represent a downward trend from 2019, it still represents a major security flaw. However, we have found great success in one of the most advanced solutions ever invented to prevent car theft, which is the car alarm system. What is a car alarm system and how does it work? Should you get it for your car?
A car alarm system is a device installed in a vehicle to deter car theft by alerting car owners of any threat to their cars with a sound warning or a paging system. Inexpensive but features a ton of sensors that are programmed to go off once triggered. Advanced car alarm systems feature functions that prevent a car thief from starting your vehicle. Most car alarm systems are easy to install and feature the most basic details for keeping your car safe.
You face a higher risk of being a victim of car theft if you live in some major metropolitan states in the United States, including California, Texas, and home to the President, Washington. Just like you lock your phone and use the ‘find my phone feature, you should also consider making your car a security fortress.
Table of Contents
Features of A Car Alarm System
1. Sensors
A Car alarm system is fitted with several sensors, including the door sensors, proximity sensor, tilt, sensor, window, and pressure sensors, and motion sensor. The door sensor is triggered whenever there is an attempt to open your door in your absence.
Once locked, this sensor is activated and prevents any attempt to bypass the door without the necessary keys. Door sensors are also connected to the light circuits of your car, so in addition to the alarms, your car’s headlights might turn on.
Proximity sensors on the other hand don’t require contact. Once activated, the proximity sensor calculates the distance between foreign objects and your car and is triggered once proximity is too much. Although effective, the proximity sensor hasn’t received warmth from users. False triggers and a source of noise pollution. Awful combination.
The tilt sensor prevents your car from being lifted and towed by advanced invested car thieves. Tilt sensors are triggered by any slight change in the direction and angle of your car. Tilt sensors use mercury which shifts and activates your car alarm once your car changes its angle. The motion sensor is similar in the sense that it detects car movements.
The window sensor detects any impact on your window and sends a signal to the brain of your alarm system which then quickly alerts you.
2. The Control Unit
The control unit of the alarm system, also known as the brain of the alarm system, is installed in the car and receives transmissions from the various sensors which activate the siren/alarm, or other connected devices. The brain of a car alarm system is the most important component.
While the brain is powered by your car’s battery or ignition, advanced car alarms function with a different battery. This keeps your alarm system running even on a dead or removed car battery.
3. Alarm
The alarm feature is one of the most important components. In the event of successful series of transmission between a sensor and the alarm brain, the alarm is responsible for alerting the user of possible theft. Alarms can be loud sirens, flashing headlights, mobile notifications, horns, or verbal warnings.
4. Remote
Car remotes are externally controlled devices that are capable of sending signals and commands to your car. They will lock, unlock, and honk your horn. You’ll also receive a signal on your remote in addition to the other forms of alerts against car theft.
These car remotes are important for also dismissing false car alarms. Your remote has to be within 5 to 15 meters of your car for proper functioning. A car alarm remote has also numerous benefits.
How a Car Alarm System Works
A car alarm is comprised of different components connected by different types of transmitters, including WiFi. Most cars are now fitted with a car alarm system from the factory. While there several years behind Aftermath alarm systems, factory alarms still serve the most basic function of an alarm system.
women’s hand presses on the remote control car alarm systems
** Note: Shallow depth of field
** Note: Slight graininess, best at smaller sizes
Factory car alarms (OEM) are a result of more investment in car security by manufacturers. Although rudimentary and basic, factory car alarms will protect you from inexperienced car thieves. A major drawback of factory car alarms is predictability. The components are usually in the same spot and easy to deactivate.
On the other hand, Aftermath car alarms are fitted with high-quality accessories such as sensors, and creative subtle alarm techniques. Aftermath car alarms are more complex for car thieves to disable, making them the right choice for your car safety.
Once triggered, your car sensors send a signal to your alarm system which notifies you via various means. Install all the necessary sensors to get optimal performance from your car alarm sensor. The sensors to install are door sensors, proximity sensors, window, and pressure sensors, and tilt and motion sensors.
However, car alarm systems are not without problems. Expensive but doesn’t guarantee 100% car protection. Car alarms are also notorious for being noise pollutants. False alarms have ravaged most neighborhoods with the police receiving complaints every other day.
Advanced car alarm systems have now moved towards silent immobilizers, a more effective means of protecting your car. In the event of attempted car theft, your car’s ignition is remotely turned off and cannot be hot-wired without the right input. This innovative security upgrade prevents car theft and eliminates noise pollution.
Advanced car security systems have also added the GPS function to help recover stolen cars. The GPS works by collecting and transmitting data of your car’s location to your tracking device or your mobile phone. You can also track your car with several car security applications with your smartphone.
Benefits of A Car Alarm System
1. Increased Resale Value
Installing a car alarm system on a car increases its value as buyers are guaranteed the car’s safety. Purchasing a vehicle is a big investment and the buyers want to be assured of the security of their investments. Install a modern aftermath car alarm system with the necessary sensors in place with a high-speed remote control. You’re guaranteed a 100% return on investment on your alarm system when reselling your vehicle.
2. Better Insurance – lower-priced premium
Insurance companies calculate your premium needs base on the security of your car and factors that may cause damage. Installing an advanced car alarm system helps to reduce the number of premiums you’ll have to buy for car insurance.
3. Protection against car theft
Cars installed with advanced car alarm systems repel car thieves more than cars without any form of security or those with factory car alarms. Cars installed with an alarm system are also fitted with the necessary tools to prevent theft and foster recovery. Install a good car alarm system and enjoy peace of mind. No more looking through the window to check your car across the street.
4. Continuous Functionality
Car alarm systems are either battery-powered or powered by electricity. A battery-powered alarm system works on rechargeable batteries and may require frequent charging. On the other hand, the electrical alarm system doesn’t require charging and draws power for an electrical circuit in your car.
Advanced car alarm systems function on both. This means your car alarm is always powered, guaranteeing round-the-clock protection.
A car alarm system is divided into two types, factory installed (OEM) and aftermath systems. Advanced car alarm systems feature sensors that help to reduce the risk of car theft. You should protect your investment by installing an advanced car alarm system to improve your car’s safety.