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What Alarm System Is Fitted To My Car

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There are different types of alarm systems available for car installation. You can choose based on your financial capacity or needs. They are separated by features, levels, and additional devices. If your car has been fitted with a car alarm system from the factory, then it’s likely to be outdated. What alarm system is fitted to my car? Keep reading to find out.

What Alarm System Is Fitted To My Car

The different types of alarm systems available for installation include 1-way alarm, 2 way, 3, and level 4 alarm systems. They include different devices such as immobilizers, GPS, sirens, and sensors. These devices can be installed independently in your vehicle. You can also combine them to enhance the security of your vehicle.


Knowing the type of alarm system installed in your car helps you to use it better. In this article, you’ll learn all the types of alarm systems in today’s cars and how they work. You’ll also know their pros and cons to help you decide which option is better than the other.


  •  Immobilizer
  •  GPS tracking systems
  •  Passive and Active Alert System
  •  Audible Alert System
  • Silent Alert System


An immobilizer is an advanced electronic security device designed to prevent car engines from starting. Once activated, the engine would not come on until the immobilizer is deactivated. Immobilizers are not very common but are seeing tremendous growth nowadays.

An immobilizer has different components that work together to ensure its optimal functionality. These are the control block, circuit breaker, and key chain. Advanced security systems may add additional components to improve functionality.


Immobilizers are divided into contact and non-contact. Non-contact works by sending a code which the device reads to immobilize the engine. While contact requires physical activation and deactivation.

How Immobilizers Work

Immobilizers have a simple working principle: Installation, activation, and immobilization. But how does it perform this simple function? The vehicle has a computer that activates the power supply system of the nodes whenever a command is sent from the immobilizer.

Before the immobilizer can be activated, an access code from the car owner needs to be sent to the safety control unit. This can be from the ignition key, fingerprint, or a combination of characters, like a password.

For the immobilizer to work, the data received from the control unit has to match the initial configuration. Once the system authorizes your code, the engine can either come on or go off, depending on your command. Without the right authorization, the immobilizer will remain docile and inactive.

Advantages of immobilizers

Having an immobilizer installed in your vehicle has numerous advantages. These include:

  •  Theft Prevention

The main purpose of having an immobilizer in your car is to deter theft. We recommend using the non-contact immobilizer as it allows you to activate the components inside the vehicle remotely. You can immobilize your engine with a click of a button on the remote whenever you suspect theft. We recommend immobilizing the car once the ignition is off.

  •  Ease Of Use

While immobilizers are high-tech, using one in your car is quite simple. After getting the device, hire a professional to install it and toggle between on and off with your remote.

  • Round-The-Clock Protection

The device keeps working even when it is powered off.

  • Works Silently

Unlike visible car security systems, immobilizers are silent workers, protecting your vehicle behind the curtains.

OEM immobilizers

An OEM immobilizer is fitted into the car from the manufacturer. This type of immobilizer works perfectly with the other components in the vehicles. OEM immobilizers are difficult to locate and remove. This makes it the perfect choice for car owners living in neighborhoods with high crime rates.

Aftermath Immobilizers

These are immobilizers that can be installed in vehicles without OEM immobilizers. You can find an advanced aftermath immobilizer here at a reasonable price.


Arguably the most popular of them all. The GPS tracking system is used by millions of drivers around the region. They are mostly used by taxi companies and fleets. This system is also used to track smartphones and other moving objects such as boats.

Global Positioning System, popularly known as GPS works by communicating with satellites in space to pinpoint the exact location of receivers down on earth. GPS owes its popularity to its military history. It only became available for public use in 1983. Over the years it has developed to add more functions and features.


Most cars come with an OEM installed GPS tracking device. You can also add an aftermath GPS if you’re unsatisfied with the factory-installed device.

How GPS trackers work

GPS tracking devices receive data from satellites orbiting the earth and emit signals to receivers located in vehicles homes, smartphones, and a lot more. Car GPS tracking devices store the data received from the satellite in real-time.

Benefits of GPS tracker

  • Vehicle Retrieval

While we may try as much as possible to prevent our cars from getting stolen, sometimes, they just succeed. But do you simply fold your arms and mourn your car? No. With a GPS tracking device, you can track your vehicle from anywhere in the world, as long as the GPS is connected with a wireless network.

Contact the police and provide the GPS data for quick recovery. This process is as seamless as it is written. You can also monitor your commute and better plan your gas by driving through faster routes.

  •  Helps you monitor your driving routes

You can monitor your driving routes using a GPS tracking device. It stores the data of everywhere you visited. However, you may need plenty storage space. Some tracking devices offer cloud services for their users.

  •  Helps you monitor employees

Having a GPS tracking device in all your delivery trucks and fleets improves workers’ productivity. The drivers are more disciplined since they are being watched. This device keeps track of your driver’s route throughout working hours. You can use this data to better plan your commute and routes. This helps you to discover unproductive workers on time.

Passive vs Active Alert Systems

These are strictly alarm systems. They are either audible or silent and are activated and deactivated differently. One is activated automatically while the other is manual activation.

A passive alarm is activated once the car engine is off and the doors are jammed. This is an automatic process that happens immediately. This eliminates exposing your vehicle to theft when you forget to activate the system.

An active alarm, on the other hand, requires using one of the keys on the remote control to activate and deactivate the system. For motorists using an active alarm system, we recommend setting reminders to activate the system before you’re used to the routine. Remember that leaving your vehicle unlock increases the chance of car theft.


Audible alert systems are the most popular. You can find them in almost every car, preinstalled from factory. Audible alarms have been upgraded over the years to accommodate more features and functions. This alarm system is easy to use. The aftermath option can also be installed by just anyone.

This alarm system works by making a loud audible sound whenever someone tries to break into your vehicle. They receive signals from the sensors on the car door, rear, and body of the vehicle. The headlights are also triggered by some audible systems.


A silent alert system is quiet but still notifies the owner of the vehicle without alerting the intruder. Nabbing the intruder is easier with a silent alert system, however, you should avoid confronting an armed thief. Instead, contact the police to report that your vehicle is being tampered with or approach with caution.

Conclusively, we advise motorists to install more than one type of alert system in their vehicles to solidify security and to completely eliminate any risk of theft.