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Radenso Pro M Radar Detector Review

Radenso Pro M Radar Detector ReviewIn a world where speeding tickets are literally like the latest form of taxation, bordering not really about safety but on increasing revenue; it’d be almost a miracle if you’ve never been pulled over and issued one.




With thousands of red light safety cameras and automated speed cameras installed on the road just this year alone, with a daily usage of 125,000 radar guns and 35,000 laser guns by the police and law enforcement, you never can tell when you’ll be the next victim of exorbitant traffic ticket, laden with the expenses of court fines, and the overall embarrassments of the entire process.

To avoid all these, you could get the Radenso Pro M which you will get to know more about in this Radenso Pro M Radar Detector Review. A radar detector with the longest range against radar and laser is necessary if cutting down on traffic tickets is your top desire.

Being caught in the ticket of the police and road enforcements for road offenses is one situation you will not want to be in especially in days when you’re in urgent need to catch up an appointment.

If dealing with the cost and effort of a custom installed detection system is not your thing, and you want the best from a portable radar detector, then the Radenso Pro M Detector is your best option!

Radenso Pro M Radar Detector

About Product

There are two unique features that stand out about the Radenso Pro M Radar detector. Firstly, Radenso Pro M radar detector is the quietest radar detector you can find among the brands of radar detectors. Using the Pro M in auto-city mode provides you with the quietest driving experience.

This AutoCity mode which is a Radenso Proprietary technology mutes all X and K band signals under your desired speed ensuring there are no false alerts while stuck in traffic or parking lots.

This technology also automatically adjusts sensitivity on the fly to give you the ideal blend of sensitivity and performance, hence, with this radar detector, there’s no need for pressing buttons to change your radar detector between city and highway mode, it does just that for you.

Secondly, it contains an inbuilt GPS technology, more accurately a GPS lockout, which gives you the ability to lockout known false alert areas that set off your detector. This renowned quiet radar detector filters out what most radar detectors cannot, because it comes equipped with a voice alerts with 260 different messages.

Equipped with Amber OLED display, Updatable firmware and camera database with free lifetime updates, Stealth to radar detector detectors (VG2/Specter Elite), as well as a Blind Spot Monitor for false alarm filtering. In addition, it has a one-year manufacturer warranty and one-year radar ticket free guarantee.


In summary, Radenso Pro M Specifications/features includes the following.

● Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) equipped antenna.

● Adjustable three modes which includes AutoCity, Highway, City modes

● Mini-USB port for firmware and database updates.

● Multiple Threat Display (up to 3 signals).

● Selectable Ka POP radar band.

● Selectable Radar Bands (X, K, Ka, MRCD, MRCT, Gatso).


What is the product for?

Radenso Pro M Radar Detector is a device that detects radars set up by police and road law enforcement agents to detect traffic crimes like over speeding and usage of the wrong lane.

The product alerts you of the presence of a radar long before you get to the checkpoint of the cops. The Radenso Pro M radar detector is equipped with an additional circuit designed to detect the newest MultiRadar and Gatso RT3, delivering astonishing detection range on all radar brands.


Who needs the product and how helpful can it be?

This product is beneficial for all car owners. It features an extreme Radar Detection Range and thus can detect radars from a very wide range and notify you before you get closer to a checkpoint.

The Radenso PRO M has the Red Lights and Speed Camera alert, and thus notifies you about these traffic checkpoints earlier.

On a long range, this product is a pretty device that can save you from almost all traffic traps on the highway. It also detects lasers and also comes with a Traffic Sensor Rejection false filters to reject false traffic sensors alerts.


How can it be installed?

The product can be installed following this process for a smooth set up in your vehicle.

1. Place the small side of the suction cups into the large hole of the bracket.

2. Slide the suction cup into the small hole to secure them.

3. Push the rubber damper in the small hole in the middle of the bracket.

4. Attach the windshield mount to the desired area of the windshield, ensuring that it is in a level position, parallel to the road ahead.

5. Insert the windshield mount into the slot at the front of the detector until it is locked in position.

6. Plug the small end of the power cable into the detector on the left side and the large end into your vehicle ACC socket.



● Excellent false alert filtering.

● Wide range radar and laser detector.

● Quietest Radar and MultaRadar detector.

● Selectable Radar Bands.

● Low speed GPS auto-muting.



● Failure to give laser alerts sometimes.

● Continuous beeping.

 radenso pro radar detector reviews

FAQs on Radenso Pro M Radar and Laser Detector:

● What Separates Radenso from other Radar Detector Companies?

Radenso Radar Detectors are very quiet due to low false alerts, whilst still having great range over the area.

● Why didn’t my radar detector set off an alert after driving past a police officer. Could anything wrong be wrong with my device?

Firstly, nothing is wrong with your radar if it doesn’t do this, as police officers do not always have their radar systems turned on. When your radar doesn’t give off an alert, it simply means their radar system is turned off. It is important to also note that a radar detector only detects radars, not police vehicles.

● How much does it cost to update the software on my radar detector?

Updating this radar detector’s software is absolutely free and you can easily do this on your computer as well.

● Aren’t Radar detectors illegal?

Radar detectors are illegal in Washington DC and Virginia states of the United States only. It is however legal for non-commercial vehicles in all other 49 states of the country.



Personally, I’d say this product comes closest to perfection if you’re in search of a good radar detector device. Perhaps it’s ability to filter false alerts and its wide range of radar and laser detector makes it most viable and easily beat other competitors.

With its selectable radar bands, it’s cool for all road types, and if I were to rate the product, I’d say it ticks the overall good box since there are little or no issues that come with using the product.

We hope you found our Radenso Pro M Radar Detector Review helpful. Leave us a comment if you have used this product or you have another radar detector you could recommend to us.