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How a Car Alarm System Works

What Is A Car Alarm System

On average, about 2000 cars were being stolen in the United States every day in 2020, putting the number of stolen cars at over 700,00 in a single year. While these statistics represent a downward trend from 2019, it still represents a major security flaw.… Read More »What Is A Car Alarm System

Best Radar Detector for 2021

Radar Detector Vs Jammer

The introduction of radar guns by law enforcement birthed radar detectors, while LIDAR devices caused the creation of jammers. Although different, both devices help to avoid the detection of your vehicle’s speed by law enforcement. Advanced radar detectors are equipped with both radar and laser… Read More »Radar Detector Vs Jammer

Does Amplifier Drain Car Battery

Cars need at least 12.6 Volts to function optimally. Anything below that reduces car performance, therefore, having an amplifier that drains your car battery will negatively impact your driving experience. Nonetheless, several sources have cited claims about aftermath amplifiers draining car batteries. Does amplifier drain… Read More »Does Amplifier Drain Car Battery

Is A Radar Detector Worth It

Is A Radar Detector Worth It

A radar detector helps car drivers drive within the speed limit of an area. Its efficiency has steered many car owners into opting for an aftermath car radar detector. Although it promises multiple functions, critics continue to state their displeasure at every opportunity. Notwithstanding, radar… Read More »Is A Radar Detector Worth It